My Shitty Dream Journal

3/11/2023, had dream where some text was displayed in a black background. The text read "i had a dream I was reincarnated as a blue butterfly, I don't remember what happened about it. But I think fate has decided my life to be a butterfly". Turns out it was a bastardized quote from the hit PS1/PSP game Persona 1, never played it, but my brain probably picked it up. This is the full quote here (thank you Xerem)

Sorry for not updating! having really forgettable dreams! ill update this later though!

i was at some theater, which turned into a stadium filled wwith satirical people. In the theater it was made like an art exhibit, there was a maze, and there where movie posters about indie films that never existed. I wanted to work there, so i told the workers if i could work there, they said "sure but u gotta touch the light bulb in the ceiling", and i did just that. I also remembbered talking to the owner, a grey haired old lady named Anne? Antebellum? I hope it wasn't named antebellum- Then it became dawn, the theatre turned into a stadium, my dream turned meta imo, i was walking through the stadium and saw people, i saw nazi's being nazi's, i saw harry potter fans wanted to "hogwarts there hair", I saw one of my friends working at a baskin robins, from like YMCA?? but they had the face of Mol from tik tok. They kept telling everyone how they met me through a piss kink forum, which no??? What?? And at the end, Me, my mom, and a IRL friend, took my cousins car, and left while it was raining piss. My friend was trying to crack jokes while we were escaping the pissed on stadium, my mom, obviously scarred, wondering what happened. And me, well i was telling myself what on gods green earth was my subconscious telling me about. I would rate this a 9/10 as "political satire???", also the meta part was me listing off the things to my mom like what i saw in the stadium, and telling her "is that what my subconscious is telling me???" - 3/23/2023

3/24/2023 Had a dream where i woke uo, went to school, and did a kafka esque thing. I was in english language arts, my teacher (lets called her R), told us that we have to do course grading from a text book. And so we did, we looked at courses in a text book, all of it was abbriviated. Then after that i fucked up the whole course card thing, and so i told my teacher if i could stay in a little longer. She allowed it, and i did it, properly. Then its PE, it was a massive stadium with 4 color quadrants in each stadium thing, the PE teachers told us that we have to run around the stadium (the stadium was a circle and it was inside the PE gym), and if our coulored shirt was matching what the PE teachers said, we could play foot ball. And so we did that, i met a girl named Pasely(???), she had vibrant pastel pink hair and she was genuienly the nicest girl i've ever met in that dream. Then i woke up, in a bed, from a room, that was a house that i could remember, but i can't really recall. The bed was white, everything looked white, i was at the second story of the house. I went back to sleep, i woke up in my therapist office, she told me something about "reconciling with a friend i had" that friend was a transmedicalist IRL. I declined (well we had the exact same conversation that we had in a therapy session), the thought of contacting his grandma (she lives near me IRL, but in the dream it appears that she never really lived near me) and giving her cake, and tea and talking about how her grand son is.It then cut to me in the middle of a parking lot. Busses where picking people up, like school busses, and i found my friend. He was wearing alt clothing, having a red mohawk, and snake bite pircings. He told me "hey dead name its been awhile since we chatted". I stood silent, then i hugged him. I cried in his arms, wishing that this was true. I woke up in the same room, crying. I went back to sleep, waking up in real life.